Pet X-Ray & Ultrasound Services | Southfields Vets
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    X-ray and Ultrasound

In 2013, we had a huge update to Southfields’ Diagnostic Imaging suite – we went Digital! Our new X-ray system is state of the art, allowing us to analyse our radiographs in more detail, and to email them to referral centres for specialist opinions where needed. The following year we purchased a new Ultrasound system, also helping us to see what is going on inside our furry patients.

Digital radiography as this uses less radiation than old-style photographic film, and the results are available quickly.

X-rays are commonly used to evaluate:

  • Lameness and sore joints
  • Heart and lung disorders
  • Vomiting and digestive disorders
  • Urinary problems

Ultrasound is a painless and non-invasive way of looking inside your pet. Ultrasound scanning is used to check the organs of the abdomen (liver, spleen, lymph nodes etc.) to check they are working properly.

If we are in any doubt regarding the findings of x-ray or ultrasound, the animal may be sent for a CT scan to confirm the findings

