Pet Prescriptions | Southfields Vets
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Repeat Prescriptions
All patients on prescription medication require a veterinary check up at least every 6 months. The price for the check up will be £47.

For certain conditions, where the medication has only just begun, or if the patient is not stable, then the check ups may need to be more frequent. The veterinary surgeon in charge of your pet will inform you as to how frequently they would like to see you.

Written Prescriptions
Written prescriptions are also available on request, enabling you to obtain your medications from other pharmacies. Check-ups will still need to be performed as above, and the cost of the written prescription is an additional £22.80.

Please be aware that we require 48 hours notice for either repeat prescriptions or written prescriptions.

Return of Medications
Southfields regrets that we no longer offer refunds for return of any prescription or medicinal products.